A New Research Held In Washington D.C, Usa Proved That Diets Rich In Carbohydrates Promotes Weight Loss And Reduces The Overall Body Fat.

Publish Date : 2018-09-27

Some recent research also proved that people who consume a lot of animal based and low carbohydrate diet have a shorter life span than the one who consume rich carbohydrate and plant based diets.

A new research held in Washington D.C, USA and published in the Journal of Nutrients exclaims that the diets that are rich in carbohydrates promotes weight loss and reduces the overall body fat, encourages a better insulin function in the people suffering from obesity. 

The researchers and the committee of physicians for Responsible Medicine held a 16 week medical trial and assigned the participants one of the diet from the two- diet rich in carbohydrates and the plant-based diet. The participants following the plants based diet were prohibited to consume any animal product, extra oil and fat intake more than 20-30 grams daily. On the other hand participants following the high carbohydrate diet had no restrictions. The control group kept a track of participant’s diet and did not allow them to change their exercise routines. 

After the trial was over the results were that the participants who followed the plant based diet had totally decreased body weight, body mass index, fat mass, insulin resistance and visceral fat volume.

Hana Kahleova the author of the study stated that the people are often scared of carbohydrates but the study made it very clear that healthy carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans are very necessary as well as very healthy for the body. Complex carbohydrates contain high fiber and fiber is very nutritional for the body and promotes fat loss also keeps cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancers and diabetes away.    

The results of the study are same as the previous studies that proved that rich carbohydrate and plant based diets often help in managing or reducing weight and are very healthy for the body. Such diets also decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. Some recent research also proved that people who consume a lot of animal based and low carbohydrate diet have a shorter life span than the one who consume rich carbohydrate and plant based diets.